Below are a list of small idependent landlords -
Below are a list of property agents -
Below are a list of landlords who have houses suitable for student families -
1 student sharing with other students -
Is for 1 person only, single occupancy guest can stay no more than 2 nights per week unless otherwise arranged directly with the landlord/agent prior to your arrival.
Will be required to complete an Application Form in advance for basic details, course number and Guarantor details. An application form is NOT a contract. Private details will not be shared.
Expected to sign 46-52 week contracts.
Expected to provide a UK Home Owner Guarantor or apply to HousingHand to guarantee you.
Can request to pay for the full amount without the requirement of a Guarantor.
£90-£130 per week, Expected rent with bills
Expect to pay a holding fee to reserve the accommodation from 1 weeks rent to 1 months’ rent in advance. The Holding Fee will be deducted from your first terms rental payment.
2 Student sharing with spouse/children; Family Let. 3-4 Bedroom House -
Would search for a 3-4 bedroom house
Will be required to complete an Application Form in advance for basic details, course number and Guarantor details. An application form is NOT a contract. Private details will not be shared.
Expected to sign 46-52 week contracts
Expected to provide a UK Home Owner Guarantor or apply to HousingHand to guarantee you.
Can request to pay for the full amount without the requirement of a Guarantor.
£750-£900 without bills.
Budget to pay for Council Tax £110, Gas & Electric £350, Wifi £50, Water rates £30 all per month.
Council Tax exempt for Students if on a full time course, Council Tax payable at 75% for spouse.
Expect to pay a holding fee to reserve the accommodation from 1 weeks rent to 1 months’ rent in advance. The Holding Fee will be deducted from your first terms rental payment.
Expect to pay a returnable Bond for possible damages for the amount up to 5 weeks rent maximum. The Bond will be registered with a Government approved insurance scheme and returned in full at the end of the tenancy providing there are no damages.
Move in costs; Example rent £900 pcm, Bond £600 (registered) Total move in cost £1500.00
1 Student sharing with spouse/children; Family Let. 1-2 Bedroom House -
Would not be able to share with other students in a student house
Would search for a 1-2 bedroom apartment/house
Will be required to complete an Application Form in advance for basic details, course number and Guarantor details. An application form is NOT a contract. Private details will not be shared.
Expected to sign 46-52 week contracts
Expected to provide a UK Home Owner Guarantor or apply to HousingHand to guarantee you.
Can request to pay for the full amount without the requirement of a Guarantor.
£550-£750 without bills.
Budget to pay for Council Tax £110, Gas & Electric £200, Wifi £50, Water rates £30 all per month
Council Tax exempt for Student if on a full time course, Council Tax payable at 75% for spouse. 100% for 2 spouses.
Expect to pay a holding fee to reserve the accommodation from 1 weeks rent to 1 months’ rent in advance. The Holding Fee will be deducted from your first terms rental payment.
Expect to pay a returnable Bond for possible damages for the amount up to 5 weeks rent maximum. The Bond will be registered with a Government approved insurance scheme and returned in full at the end of the tenancy providing there are no damages.
Move in costs; Example rent £750 pcm, Bond £500 (registered) Total move in cost £1250.00
For more information fill in the contact form below or email